Dr. Paul Coffin Dr. Paul D. Coffin

3450 South Lakeport, Suite B, Sioux City, IA 51106 Ph: (712) 255-5048

Foot Specialist    Biomechanics and Sports Podiatry    Custom Made Orthotics


What is "biomechanics"?

Biomechanics is a study of motion – body movements and the forces acting on the musculoskeletal system.  What could be more important to feet than the study of motion?  Although many doctors advocate surgical intervention for various foot disorders, often more conservative treatments are successful.  Understanding the biomechanics of the foot is supremely important to success in podiatry. 


This science of biomechanics of the foot and lower leg goes back many years to the mid-1950’s when supportive foot therapy was first recommended for foot and leg pain.  In the early 1960’s podiatrists like Merton Root, D.P.M. and Richard Schuster, D.P.M. were teaching their philosophies of arch supports and functional orthotics.  Schuster favored flexible, non-compressible materials while Root felt that rigid materials were necessary.  The current literature in podiatric biomechanics still espouses both theories.  Much research has ensured and the tenets of Dr. Schuster are the basis of Dr. Coffin’s philosophy.  


In a recent article, “Podiatric Biomechanics:  Was Schuster Right After All?” John McNerney, D.P.M. summarizes by noting that podiatric biomechanics is not an exact science, but many prior teachings have been found faulty.


“Dr. R.O. Schuster armed with only a sharp, inquisitive and biomechanical mind, keen powers of observation, and consummate clinic skill started teaching a philosophy of podiatric biomechanics that often went counter to the mainstream of podiatric thought.  While few in or out of the profession espoused his teachings, current technology has shown much of his method to be correct.”


Dr. Coffin is Dr. Schuster’s nephew and the reason Dr. Coffin became interested in becoming a podiatrist, specializing in biomechanics and orthotics.  In fact, the family background in podiatry extends back more than 100 years to Richard’s father  and Uncle Otto F. Schuster of New York who were among the early chiropodists and orthotic manufacturers. 


 Dr. Richard Schuster’s orthotics laboratory in College Point, NY, was Dr. Coffin’s learning ground.  In the summers of his undergraduate years and while a student at the New York College of Podiatric Medicine, Dr. Coffin worked in the orthotics laboratory alongside his uncle.  He, too, has a deep understanding of biomechanics with an analytical mind that thrives on designing ways to make exceptional, effective orthotics.