Dr. Paul Coffin Dr. Paul D. Coffin

3450 South Lakeport, Suite B, Sioux City, IA 51106 Ph: (712) 255-5048

Foot Specialist    Biomechanics and Sports Podiatry    Custom Made Orthotics


As with all medical services, orthotics are not guaranteed to make you pain-free. You may need to continue additional therapies, stretches, etc. They may require an adjustment period, but Dr. Coffin expects the orthotics to correct your biomechanical problems. They may need some alterations to fit into certain shoes. He will do his best to make them comfortable and adjust them as needed. You can return orthotics by mail for adjustments or you can make an appointment for this. If he feels it is necessary, he will make a new pair with the same or a new set of impressions. After six months, there may be a charge for adjustments, remakes or recovers.

Dr. Coffin is always experimenting with new processes and materials and at times, we have found that a material is not as durable as we had hoped. If a rip, tear or hole is the result of a defect in the material or construction, we will replace the orthotics free of charge. These incidents will be judged on an individual basis since many athletes in vigorous sports such as football, hockey and basketball will be extra hard on the orthotics and there will be a fee to repair or replace these orthotics. Orthotics that are constantly moved from shoe to shoe or worn in inappropriate shoes will experience excessive wear problems earlier as well.
We keep the positive foot casts approximately six months, and if the orthotics cannot be repaired, it will be necessary to take new impressions, perhaps at an additional cost.